I have been writing narrative pieces in school since as far back as first grade. However, Brandt’s idea of sponsorship is revolutionary to me. The way in which he ties economic ideas and principals of business to literacy narratives was very intriguing. I absolutely agree with Brandt in his methods about reaching a consumer and how an author or creator or company needs to tailor their tactics to reach specific audiences.

Similarly, I found Alexander’s piece very interesting and informative. The information he provided on narrative concepts and themes was very eyeopening. His discuss and opinion on the idea on “little narratives” was something that I can certainly agree with and have personally experienced. With the wide range of topic choices for personal narratives I found it not only intriguing but somewhat comforting that the memories and experiences that I have been drawing on for my narratives, is on par with the works of most students. The painful and life forming experience of having a teacher react negatively to a victim narrative is a scarring experience that I can attest to. Alexander’s views and studies on the topic of personal narratives have really shined a new light on the topic for me and allowed me to see the wide range of types of narratives that will aide me in my future personal narrative work.








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